Christmas Services in Hallgrímskirkja

You are welcome to join us for the Crhismas-Services in Hallgrimskirkja. Check the restrictions concerning the pandemic.

December 24th.

Evensong 6 pm. Required COVID-test.

Midnight-Service 11,30 pm. Required COVID-test.

December 25th.

Service 2 pm. Required COVID-test.

English Service 4 pm. Max 110 attending.

December 26th.

Family Service 2 pm. Max 110 attending.

Organ-Concert 4 pm. Max 102 attending.

December 31st

Concert 4 pm. Required COVID-test.

Evensong 6 pm. Max 110 attending.

January 1st 2022

Service 2 pm. Max 110 attending.

January 2nd

Service 11 am. Max 110 attending.