Súper gagnrýni á Meditatio með Schola cantorum

06. október 2016

Kammerkórinn okkar Schola cantorum gaf út í sumar nýjan geisladisk, Meditatio. Sænski músíkútgáfurisinn BIS sá um framleiðsluna. Nú hefur Musicweb - International birt gagnrýni John Quinn og hann lofar diskinn og flytjendur. Hann segir „On all counts this disc is a winner.“

Hann skrifar líka: ,,This is truly an outstanding disc. The choir is superb. Their tuning, balance and blend is flawless and the sound that they make gives great pleasure. Yet while the singing may be expert there’s no sense of studied perfection; these expert singers and their conductor produce performances of genuine feeling that draw the listener in. In short, this is one of the most accomplished choral discs that I’ve heard in a long time. I loved their programme in which familiar and unfamiliar music is blended in an ideal proportion.

Hægt er að lesa gagnrýnina eftir John Quinn hér.